Our superglitterpowder super glitter is the mega-all that offers all cakes, cupcakes, biscuits and drinks the final touch of glitter they deserve! Now you can sparkle in all the colors of the rainbow - what could be better? :)
Our superglitterpowder is 100% edible, has 100% pure ingredients and is 100% super glitter!
What can you do with glitterpowder?
● Glitter Cupcakes, biscuits and desserts! Beat the box and sprinkle glitter powder over your sweet pastry products through integrated sieve.
● Mix the glitter powder with a few drops of alcohol or lemon juice, mix with a thin brush ... and paint! Pain on the fondant, color your faultline faultlinecaake or pure biscuits!
Sprinkle superglitterpowder in your drink - foamy wine, cocktails, beer or water turns into colorful magical drinks! Sprinkle, mix and be amazed!
● Apply the powder with a dry brush and paint the interior of the silicone molds - this will give your cakes an integrated glow in the chosen color!
● Take a thick brush and generously scatter the glitter over the top of the biscuits - you have never seen a glitter shine like this!
● Sprinkle your glitter powder over the yogurt or pancakes at breakfast - your day could not start brighter!