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Garnier Fructis Kraft Und Glanz Kräftigendes Shampoo Grapefruitextrakt XXL, Gibt Dem Haar Kraft Und Energie Zurück, Für Stärkeres Und Glänzendes Haar, Maxi Format, 1000 Ml

Garnier Fructis Strength and Shine Reinforcement Shampoo Shampoo XXL grapefruit, 1 liter

Strengthening shampoo specially for normal hair that is tern and lacking in, ideal for daily use Result: Predict to hair power and energy with each application and makes it shine...
Garnier Shampoo Für Kinder, Mildes 2-In1 Pflegeshampoo Für Empfindliches Haar Und Leichte Kämmbarkeit, Mit Aprikose Und Baumwollblüte, Wahre Schätze Kids, 6 X 250 Ml

Garnier Children's shampoo, sensitive hair and light comb, with apricots and cotton flowers

Hair shampoo 2 in 1 especially gentle with apricot perfume for the very delicate cleaning of the scalp and the sensitive and fine hair of the children Result: Washing of...
Garnier Kräftigendes Serum Für Dünnes Haar Und Die Kopfhaut, Effektiv Gegen Haarverlust, Mit Vitamin C Und Blutorange, Fructis Vitamine & Kraft, 2 X 125 Ml

Garnier, strengthening serum for thin hair and scalp, effective against hair loss, 2 x 125 ml

Reinforcement serum with red oranges and vitamin C for extra energy and to strengthen hair, especially against thin hair and hair breakage Result: strengthened, strong and healthy hair from root...