Laundry detergents

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Coral detergent lichid delicat pentru lână și rufe delicate, 23 spalari, 1,15 litri

Coral detergent delicate liquid for wool and delicate laundry, 23 washes, 1.15 liters

€6,95 – €81,95
Perfect Care: Coral Wool & Delitates detergent has been developed as a detergent for delicate material care, like wool, silk and cashmere Delicate cleaning: Liquid detergent for wool & delicates...
Ariel Allin1 PODS, capsule de detergent lichid Colour+ 53 de spălări, îndepărtarea excelentă a petelor la prima spălare

Ariel Allin1 Pods, Color+ 53 Liquid Liquid Detergent capsules, excellent removal of stains at first washing

€23,95 – €35,95
The power removal power in the first washing: Ariel Allin1 Pods are now equipped with an additional red room and provides excellent stain removal in the first washing The brand...
Persil Ultra Concentrate Sensitive Gel (130 de spălări), Detergent lichid pentru alergici și bebeluși într-o sticlă mai mică pentru mai puțin plastic, Îndepărtează petele dificile, Testat dermatologic

Persil ultra concentrate sensitive gel (130 washes), liquid detergent for allergic and babies in a smaller bottle for less plastic, removes difficult stains, dermatologically tested

Strong washing power - Due to its strong washing power, gel detergent penetrates deep into fibers and combats the most difficult spots & invisible dirt Long -term freshness - with...
Detergent Lenor PODS All-In-1, 104 capsule, prospețime de 3 ori mai durabilă și curățenie profundă chiar și la spălarea la rece

Detergent Lenor Pods All-In-1, 104 capsules, freshness 3 times more durable and deep cleaning even when washing cold

€39,95 – €57,95
Deep cleaning even in the case of cold wash & a freshness 3 times longer (compared to Ariel Universal+ when stored in the closet) for your textiles. Solubilized with water:...
Vanish Oxi Action Multi - Textile Stain Remover Spray - 660 ml - Detergent textil pentru covoare și tapițerie - împotriva murdăriei și mirosului de urină

Vanish Oxi Action Multi - Textile Stain Remover Spray - 660 ml - Textile detergent for carpets and upholstery - against dirt and urine smell

Effective stain removal in 30 seconds: Multi-Textile Vanish spray for various materials can be used in several ways and reliably removes dirt and unpleasant odors Upgrade Textiles: detergent allows stain...
Detergent Ariel PODS All-In-1, 104 pods, detergent rufe colorate, curățenie strălucitoare

Detergent ariel pods all-in-1, 104 pods, colorful laundry detergent, bright cleaning

€54,95 – €61,95
Strong removal of stains from first washing: Ariel all-in-1 pods washing capsules have an additional red room and are effective against dry stains even for 7 days It dissolves quickly...
White Giant Universal Trio-Caps Aromatherapy Floral Sensation (120 spălări), Detergent de rufe cu lotus, Detergent pentru rufe grele cu parfum intens

White Giant Universal Trio-Caps Aromatherapy Floral Sensation (120 washes), Lotus laundry detergent, heavy laundry detergent with intense perfume

€34,95 – €46,95
Irresistible formula - Aromatherapy caps provide clean, scented and radiant white laundry Floral sensation - Due to improved technology of perfume and natural flower essence, heavy laundry detergent and intense...
Vanish Oxi Action Powder Pink - 1,125 Kg - pudră de îndepărtare a petelor și de îmbunătățire a rufelor fără clor - pentru rufe colorate

Vanish Oxi Action Powder Pink - 1,125 kg - stain removal powder and chlorine -free laundry improvement -

Multiacion 4 in 1: Vanish oxi gel removes stains from 20 ° C, prevents discoloration, eliminates odors and cleanses hygienic Wear clothes longer: Vanish oxi powder double doubles the lifespan...
Vanish Oxi Action Pulbere pentru curățarea covoarelor și a tapițeriei - 1 X 820 G - Curăță suprafețe mari pentru covoare și tapițerii împotriva murdăriei, mirosului urât și prafului

Vanish Oxi Action powder for cleaning carpets and upholstery - 1 x 820 g - cleanses large surfaces for carpets and upholstery against dirt, ugly odor and dust

€8,95 – €16,95
For deep hygienic cleaning: the cleaning powder is ideal for large surfaces and makes carpets, upholstery, sofas, car seats and again soft, clean and fresh curtains Unlike suction alone, wet...