Cosmetics and beauty

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- Biolotion Revitalisierende Lotion plus Für Damen, 30 Ml

Capelvenere 9 - revitalizing lotion, hair loss program

Formulated especially for women's hair to protect the function of hair bulbs and prevent miniaturization and subsequent atrophy. The mixture of vitamins, minerals and active antioxidant ingredients protects the hair...
- Nachtwurzeln-Stimulator - Stimuliert Das Haarwachstum - Für Feines Und Dünner Werdendes Haar - Angereichert Mit Mineralien Aus Dem Toten Meer Und Oblepiha-Öl - 150Ml

Night root stimulator - stimulates hair growth - for fine and thin hair, 150 ml

  Intensive stimulation for fine hair: Kedma Hair Roots Night Booster is the ideal solution for fine and thin hair. Its formula, rich in minerals in the Dead Sea and...
Behandlung Gegen Haarausfall Für Damen Und Herren, Pilosome Stimul B-Trixil-Komplex, 12 X 6 Ml, Stoppt Haarausfall, Revitalisierende Wirkung, Wirkt Direkt an Der Wurzel

Hair loss treatment for women and men, hair stimulus B-TRIXIL, 12 x 6 ml

  Treatment against hair loss for women: Pilosome stimulus is a concentrated extract with revitalizing shock effect. It has an intensive effect on the root of the hair and provides...

Cryoxidil, special lotion against hair loss

  Against hair loss: the special cryoxidil lotion is a vial against hair loss stabilizing the hair renewal cycle and respects your health and scalp. They contribute to a balanced...
Hair Thickening Fibres Cinnamon 30G

Fibers of thickening of the hair cinnamon 30g

€46,95 – €56,95
Natural keratin fibers with kinetic technology. Volumizing formula for thin hair that creates dramatic volume and shine Product description In just 30 seconds, nanogen fibers make the hair incredibly thick...
Healthy Fusion Haircomplex | Effektiv Gegen Haarausfall | Fördert Haarwachstum, Volumen & Dichte | Stärkt Haarwurzeln | Verleiht Glanz Und Vitalität | Unisex | 30 Kapseln Für Gesünderes Haar

Healthy fusion haircomplex, effective against hair loss, 30 capsules

Stronger hair - hair anti -loss + growth nourishes and strengthens the hair with the power of beer, biotin and ginkgo biloba, promoting the health of the hair follicle for...
Redenhair Haarwuchsmittel - Haarfasern - Keratin-Haar-Mikrofasern - Verblasst Nicht - Regen-, Wind- Und Schweißbeständig - Alopecia Solution - Blondes Haar - 23 G

Redenhair Hair Restorer - hair microfibre with keratin - rain, wind and sweating - solution for alopecia

€26,95 – €182,95
RUB capillary redressor Instructions for use Spray the product on the hair and hairdress it as usual. The product keeps your hair cool and offers extra comfort. warnings See a...